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New! Stream or download ebooks, audiobooks, movies, tv shows, and music with your library card and hoopla!
Note: You can borrow 6 titles per month.
Most Movies and TV episodes are available for 72 hours (3 days) from the time you borrow the title. Some publishers limit the borrow time to 48 hours (2 days).
Most Music albums are available for 7 days from the time you borrow the title.
Most Audiobooks, Comics, and eBooks are available for 21 days from the time you borrow the title.
Download Ebooks and Audiobooks
Downloadable books are provided by Tracy Memorial Library in cooperation with the New Hampshire State Library.
Stream films, Great Courses, and Kids programs! Each month you can use up to twelve credits to borrow materials.
Search and Explore
Search encyclopedias; dictionaries; world data; multimedia such as photographs, illustrations, audio and video clips; and more!
Consumer Reports
Money-saving advice and tips, product ratings, product reviews, recommendations, buying advice.
Read Magazine and Newspaper Articles and Perform Research in Scholarly Journals
With Explora, discover magazine and scholarly journal articles covering general reference, business, health, and more. Includes Consumer Reports, People, and Good Housekeeping, health reference resources and business journals.
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