Great American Solar Eclipse

Whipple Hall 25 Seamans Rd, New London, NH

Join us at Whipple Hall as the New Hampshire Astronomical Society presents on the upcoming solar eclipse (April 8th).


Community Forum

Whipple Hall 25 Seamans Rd, New London, NH

Thank you for your interest in participating in Tracy Memorial Library's strategic planning process. Your opinions and thoughts are important to write the next chapter for the Library. The first stage of this process is to get input from the New London community. In addition to our community-wide survey, we will be having two community […]

Returning North with the Spring: Retracing the Journey of Naturalist Edwin Way Teale

Whipple Hall 25 Seamans Rd, New London, NH

The Tracy Memorial Library is excited to host John Harris's presentation on Returning North with the Spring: Retracing the Journey of Naturalist Edwin Way Teal.  This event will take place at Whipple Hall and is open to the public.  For a full description of the program visit NH Humanities' site


Whipple Hall 25 Seamans Rd, New London, NH

Join us at Whipple Hall on July 25th from 2-4 PM for the Whalemobile. See a life size 40 foot long whale named Nile. This is our one summer reading program event that registration IS REQUIRED. We will have half hour slots that you sign up for. Please email Ben at with your preferred […]

Magic Show with Phil Smith

Whipple Hall 25 Seamans Rd, New London, NH

"Phil has been combining expert sleight-of-hand skills with mime, clowning, juggling, and slapstick humor for many years. It all adds up to fun energetic performances for Phil’s audiences." This event is co-sponsored by the New London Police Benevolent Association and the Friends of Tracy Memorial Library. This is part of the New London Winter Carnival […]